Mission: HOME
There is always great JOY at the end of a PROCESS when a house becomes a home, for a moment in time or for a lifetime. The destination should not be the only place that we find JOY. It should be found in each moment.
As kids we are taught being creative by designing and building things is fun.. However, the current process that homeowners must attempt to understand when building and renovating their house is confusing, complex, hard to find good companies to help, various greatly from one service provider or product to the next, expensive, hard to trust, and as a result it is NO FUN.
All of us at Visual and our partners believe we have the the unique, diverse and skilled experiences that can bring you pleasure in the process and beautiful design together as one.
#HomeDesign #Timeless #HaveFUN #Wonder #Simplicity #ProcessDesign #Home #MoveIN!
Providing you a tailored process to feel empowered to move forward, confidently in Shaping the Future of YOUR Home.
This is the real secret of life -- to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play. - Alan Watts
Everyone has a HOME, EVERYONE!
Almost 2 billion people in the world do not have adequate housing. Most see this as impossible problem to solve but we understand big problems require numerous solutions.. We believe that if we continue to Invest in process and listen for ways to help, that we can be a part of the solution.